The temporary work agency sector is extensive. Each year, 750,000 temporary workers get to work. If you, as a company, hire temporary workers, you would like to take care of it with a high-quality and reliable temporary work agency. Below, several quality marks are listed to assure you that we are a reliable partner to you.

We have the SNA (labour foundation) quality mark NEN 4400-1. With this quality mark, we show that we are a good employer and opt for fair competition.
From mid-2012, a new regulation is in force: disclaimer hirer liability. Of course, we meet the standards set. Doing business with Synergie based on these criteria means that you, as a hirer, are exonerated from any liability. The companies in the register of SNA are periodically checked and only included if they meet the requirements. Learn more about the SNA quality mark.

We are affiliated with the Dutch Association of Temporary Work Agencies (ABU). As an ABU-member, we must meet high-quality standards in the field of, among others, security, code of conduct, working conditions, and payment of social contributions and taxes. Therefore you can be sure that you are going into business with a reliable partner. The companies associated with the ABU are inspected periodically.

From 1 January 2021, the Fair Employment Code Migrant Workers is part of the membership criteria for ABU-members who mediate migrant workers. With this code, the ABU aims to contribute to greater security for the migrant worker, fair competition, and a level playing field in the industry. Learn more about the ABU.

With the label of the Stichting Normering Flexwonen (Flex Living Standards Foundation), we show that we are properly and responsibly handle the housing of our temporary workers and that the housing meets all requirements. Housing locations of organizations that register at the Stichting Normering Flexwonen are checked annually.
The objective is to provide assurance to parties that deal with the housing of migrant workers that the housing of the migrant workers is in order.
Learn more about the Flex Living Standards Foundation.

Standardization and Standards (NEN 4400-1) contains requirements for the testing and assessment of companies providing workers. Because, to become a member of the NEN 4400-1, a number of requirements must be met, like, for example, the declaration and payment of various payroll taxes, sales tax, the administration of identification documents, and, in addition, conduct the identity verification and check if the workers are entitled to work in the Netherlands. Read more about Standardization and Standards.